Friday, October 29, 2010

Phillip Island

Over spring break I went to Phillip and Churchill Island. I woke up super early and a bus came and picked me up from the RMIT Village and took me to the tour company's main office. I loaded up with a relatively small group of people (10?) and headed out to Phillip Island. After about a 2 hours ride, the first stop on our journey was the Moonlit Wildlife Sanctuary. They had a ton of iconic Australian wildlife. It was like a lot of the small touristy wildlife places I have been to so far.
1. Wombat!2. Kangaroo and joey Then we left and and headed to a beach a few minutes away:
Afterwards, we went to Churchill Island which is a really old home stead. The island was relatively small and is a working farm. They had Scottish cows which looked like regular cows, but they had really long hair. I got to see a guy make a horseshoe, shear a sheep, and crack a whip and a woman did a cattle dog demonstration.
Then we went to the Koala Conservation Center on Phillip Island. They had a relatively large population of koalas and they would export koalas to the nearby French Island when there were too many for the Phillip Island park to sustain. They had plastic tubes around tree trunks and tree branches to keep koalas from eating there. Koalas are known for killing trees so in order to keep the area healthy they blocked parts of trees.Next, We went to Seal Rocks and the Nobbies. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. The Nobbies were a few rocks sticking out of the ocean-nothing special, and Seal Rocks were really too far away from the shore to see the seals. They had binoculars that you could look through, but they were $2 and I didn't have any coins. Something I thought about when I saw Seal Rocks-GREAT WHITES! You know they are there, lurking under the water, waiting for a poor unsuspecting seal to go for a dip! No seals were eaten though...that would have been cool to see. lol.The whole point of this trip was the Phillip Island Penguin Parade. Hundreds of fairy penguins cross the beach every night at dusk heading back to their burrows and bringing food back to their chicks. They wouldn't let us take pictures of them though. Apparently crossing the beach is super scary to them already and they don't want the flash of cameras to scare them further. They were so stinkin cute though!! They would all gather at the beach's edge in huge groups and wait for one brave guy to lead the way onto the beach. One would break off from the group and waddle a ways up the beach, and then turn back to see if anyone was following him. If so, he would continue...but if not, he would quickly turn around and run back to the group. You could see and hear the chicks calling to their parents so the parents could find their way back to their burrows. It was really amazing because they were able to recognize their young by call, and as a human you can still kind of hear the differences in the chick's voices.

After the penguin parade our tour guide took us back to the city and dropped us off at home! It was a really great day. The penguin parade was 100 times better than whale watching. For some reason with whale watching I was expecting to see something really cool-like them breach or slap the water with a tail of their fins, but it never happened. The fairy penguins were just so cute though!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Australia Zoo!

Saturday, September 18.

We woke up early to go to Starbucks before being picked up by our tour bus-Croc Connections. I got myself a present and had their delicious banana nut bread. Great decision. Then we headed back to the hostel to be picked up. The guy that operated our bus was friends with Steve Irwin apparently. He was telling us some stories and a bit about the Zoo and the facilities on it. He told us that the Irwins-Terri, Bindi, and Bob- live in a house in the middle of the zoo! On the way there he put on a Croc Hunter video. In it a ton of people who knew Steve were talking about him, and I wanted to cry. I almost did. Steve was a crazy guy, but he did a lot of really great things with his life.

When we got to the zoo, we immediately headed to the Crocoseum for the big show! The Crocoseum is a main show area with waterways connecting to each of the crocodile enclosures. People told Steve that he wouldn't be able to get a crocodile to swim from its enclosure at the beginning of the show on command, and then back at the end. But he did!

<-I also saw this funny sign posted in the Crocoseum.

Terri, Bindi, and Bob were there and did the show!

During the show, Bindi and the Jungle Girls sang some songs about saving the whales...and then Bob came out and performed with his jungle boys for the first time! After that, little Bob-bob sang the Australian National Anthem!

Then Wes got Graham the croc to come out and Terri and Bindi fed him!

They also got him to do the death roll, which is what a crocodile does when it latches onto its prey! Crocs wait by the waters edge for some unsuspecting animal to get too close, then they lunge out and grab them! They pull them underwater and try to drown them and they roll over and over to tear pieces off and kill them! Wes succeeded and we got to see Graham do a couple! On the end of the string is a big pig's leg. Yum!

At one point in the show, Terri got Graham to jump out of the water like he would in the wild to get food from a tree branch. They can just half of their body length out of the water.

Also during the show they had a bird show. It was amazing! They trained all of these birds to fly free around the stadium to certain marks. At one point they picked four people out of the audience to get birds to the land them. Or so we thought. I was really excited and practically jumping out of my seat to picked! But I wasn't and I was so disappointed. AND THEN I saw what they had to do. The guy told them that they had to make their best bird sounds and basically hump the air. He said that was the sign for the birds to land. So he let the birds out and the people started making fools of themselves and the birds just flew off! So it was all for nothing. I think the goal was to make people look like idiots. They succeeded. This was the guy's first show. It was an audition for future shows.

After the show we went and explored the zoo. They had a lot of great photo ops. This was by far the best zoo experience I have ever had. The croc show was free, AND they let people feed the elephants for free! It was fantastic. The elephants trunk felt really weird. Alicia said, "I expected it to feel like an ear, but really it felt like a nose." Not much of a suprise considering it WAS a nose. I expected it to be really soft, but for something so sensitive, it was really tough and wrinkly and hairy. Honestly, I didn't like it. lol.

We saw echidnas, wombats, kangaroos, emus, fresh and salt water crocodiles, cassowaries, and I finally saw a tasmanian devil! He was a quick little bugger though! And then the highlight of the trip, for me anyways were the TIGERS! We also saw a free tiger show! There were two females and one male. The handlers played with the females in and out of the water and showed us how a tiger could climb a tree. In the beginning, they used milk to bribe one of the female tigers to step into some nontoxic black paint and then onto an orange board. Then they sold the board with the tiger prints on it and the money went to charity. I really really wanted to buy it, but I knew I couldn't afford it. I did buy a "Wildlife Warrior-Year of the Tiger" bracelet though. It was $5 and the money went to charity. Did you know that $5 can feed one tiger for one day in the wild? Personally, I don't know how they got that...tigers don't exactly pay for their food, but HEY! I didn't come up with it. Seeing this performance reaffirmed my desire to work with tigers.After checking out some of the animals, we went around and took pictures with Steve Irwin and us wrestling crocodiles! I sat inside of this fake giant croc's mouth and got my picture taken, and then after me this lady put her baby in there. It was so freaking cute! She was so tiny-she couldn't have been a month old. It was just adorable. (Cue biological clock to start ticking.) Then we went and checked out the gift shops. I saw a piece of Australian opal for sale and it was $15,000!! Ridiculous. And weird that it was on sale at a zoo.

On the way back, the bus driver finish the movie we had started on the way there. My eyes teared up several times, but I never really cried. Thank god, I would have looked like an idiot.That night we all decided to go to the Pancake Manor to get dinner. We had to wait for a while to get seated (even though there were tons of seats open...curious.) so we went down to the bar where I heard REAL AMERICAN MUSIC IN PUBLIC for the first time since being here. It was great. Thank you Eminem for rapping. I took a picture with a knight and then we went upstairs and got seated. The food was ridiculously delicious! But their bacon isn't really bacon. It's more like fried ham. Not crisp at all.And later, while walking around that night we ran into a group of people dressed like cave people!
After a long day, we went back to the hotel and went to bed early again. The next day we were going Whale Watching!!


Friday, September 17, I flew to Brisbane to meet Alicia and some of the girls from her school. My plane got in around 5 and Alicia and Zel met me at the train station. I have to admit, I am becoming a regular pro at flying. I think I could navigate the Tullamarine Airport with my eyes closed. While pretty big-it has nothing on O'hare though.So I met up with Alicia and Zel and they guided us back to our hostel, Bunk Brisbane. We slept in an 8 bed all female dorm. As much as I like men, I don't want some creepy mansneaking through my undies. With my luck-there is no way it would be a hot, intelligent Aussie. By the way, this hostel was the shit. It was really unique. They had a chandelier of barbies, a pool, and a jacuzzi. They also had a club and bar on the premises. Below is some random artwork at the hostel.That night I dropped my stuff off at the hostel and we met up with two other girls from Alicia's school (Lara and Savannah) and the five of us went to explore. We were actually searching for the night market that was supposed to be taking place, but we got side tracked along the way. The first thing on our to do list was food. All of us except Alicia got Subway, she got Maccas (McDonalds). The we stopped in a few shops that were still open and got some souvenirs. After leaving the strip mall we ran into a random, outdoor salsa class! It was free and they had salsa music playing and everyone was dancing! It was amazing!I fell in love here. You can't really see him, but there is a 16 year old Mexican lothario in this picture. I think he was one of the teachers. We gave him the name Superman because he was wearing a Superman hoodie. When I cradle rob, I do it right!

Anyways, the class was still going strong when we decided to move on. Then we saw a ferris wheel, which was really expensive so we passed on riding it. We crossed the river and looked back and the city and it was so beautiful! Next, we walked through a park where we happened to see a ton of flying foxes!We finally made it to the night market and it was closing! I was upset because the few places that were still open had some really pretty stuff. I bought 2 rings for $10...and even though they are pretty I'm not quite sure they were worth it. They turn my fingers green. But what ever.

That night we got back to the hostel and went to bed relatively early. I think it was around 9 or 10. The next day was a big day! We were going to the Australia Zoo-Home of the Crocodile Hunter!!