AHHH! It's getting so close to my time to leave! 24 days!
*Just an update, I ended up not having to pay all that money yesterday! Woo! I will have to eventually but not so soon. That was a fantastic suprise! Now I hope I won't have to borrow money to pay anything.
*Also, I am getting my wisdom teeth out this Saturday. I'm terrified. I have never had an IV before or had any kind of surgery. I hope I'm not in a ton of pain and I hope I don't get sick or anything.
*Aaaanndd, the list of things that can kill me just keeps growing! I'm starting the list:
1. Sharks (Great White specifically.)
2. Cars
3. Funnel Web Spider
4. Box Jelly Fish
5. Blue Ringed Octopus(Apparently they have more venom than an adult King Cobra!)
6. Stone Fish(Most venomous fish in the world.)
7. Taipan (Most venomous snake in the world. Can kill 100 adults with ONE bite.)
8. Salt water crocodile
9. Brown Snake
10. Red Back Spider
11. Tiger Snake
12. Irukandji (Smallest animal capable of killing a full grown person. Jellyfish.)
13. Scorpion Fish
14. White Tail Spider
15. Barrier Reef Cone Shell
*Of the ten most venomous snakes in the world, eight reside in Australia. Christ. I'm gonna die.
*I have also been wondering what on Earth I am going to do during all this travelling? I am going to be so freaking bored!
*I have been reading the books that Stacey got me and I am getting to excited to go live in Melbourne! The city sounds amazing! (If pretty darn expensive.) For instance, you can walk from one end of this one street to the other and go from Chinatown to Paris! It sounds like there are alot of really cool things to do there. I'm sure after being there for 5 months I still won't have been everywhere.
*I would like to post a thank you to everyone who has been trying to help me out! I am writing thank you cards now, and I plan to send post cards to eveyone, too, at some point. I want to say a special thanks to Stacey and Shawn for going above and beyond to raise money for me! Thank you guys so much! I love you!
*Okay well I had better get back to work. I'll write more later!
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